Friday, 16 March 2012

Hair and Make-up Ideas: Female Protagonist

Since the female protagonist is an innocent young girl, we want to capture that in the hair and makeup. By following certian codes and connventions we can portray the protagonist as vulnerable and innocent.

  • For the protagonists hair we want to keep it simple and sweet looking. Following certian stereotypes and conventions we are planning on having simple straight hair with a simple hair accessories like a head band or a ribbon. This will give her a certain innocence as she is highlighted as normal almost plain young girl.
  • The hair accessory we planned on will hopefully be in either the colour red or black. This will hint to the audience that their is something more sinister and dark about the protagonist under all of her innocence.
  • Since out protagonist has been in confinement for some time in our thriller, we decided to make the girls hair look dirty and straggely, giving the illusion that she hasn't washed in weeks. We will use hair oil to achive this and this will make the kidnap situation seem more realistic.  

  • Since our protagonist is an innocent young girl, we are planning to highlight that with light and pretty eye makeup. We will be using white eye pencil to extend the whites of her eyes and give her bigger, more doll like eyes. Also we will be using pale, slightly shimmery eye shadow to make her fightened eyes stand out more.
  • We our planning on contouring the face slightly in order to give the character a more sculpted and beautiful face on camera. This is done a lot in thriller films to give the characters face more depth and dimention on film.
  • The lips will be understated. We wont use red or she may end up looking more like a femme fetale than a damsel in distress. Since the girl has been kidnapped for a while, we will make the lips look bloodless and pale, giving her a sickly look.
  • Along with face makeup we will also be doing some special effects makeup. Using black and purple eyeshadows to create bruising and dirt smudges on our protagonist. This will highlight to the audience how long she had been captured for and make the whole kidnap seem more realistic. Also we will be making some realistic looking cuts and scrapes using red lipstick, fake blood and eyelash glue.

By Bethany Smith

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